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Woman drinking coffee


How much do American’s love their caffeine? An awful latte.


Seriously though, it is estimated that approximately 90% of North Americans consume caffeine in one form or another. The coffee industry alone is worth $100 billion, globally. Caffeine is a stimulant and by far the most popular drug on the planet. With so many relying on it to get going in the morning, cram for final exams, or help them stay awake on their long road trips, safety becomes the paramount question.

The FDA recommends we limit our intake of caffeine to not exceed 400 mg/day, or about 2 cups of coffee. A mild to moderate amount may enhance our ability to lose weight, maintain alertness, and improve cognitive function. Some studies have shown a link between caffeine consumption and a diminished risk of Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s diseases.

High intake of caffeine may worsen anxiety and depression symptoms. It has also been linked to worsening blood glucose control, increased risk of gout attacks, high blood pressure, stomach upset and diarrhea, heartburn, and headache. If you suffer from episodic migraines, the American Migraine Foundation recommends you limit your intake of caffeine to not exceed 200mg/day, half the allowance for non-migraine sufferers.

If you are reading this and wondering if your caffeine intake crosses the acceptable norms, and steps into addiction, or you are looking for some tips to navigate potential withdrawal symptoms you may want to check this site.

As with most things in life, moderation seems to be key. If you are using caffeine sparingly, your health risks are more than likely minimal and may even have some upside. If your use of caffeine has, however, progressed over time and gone from The Little Sipper to The Big Chugger, and graduated to The Supersonic Swig-zilla Guzzler, you may want to reassess the pros and cons of that transition and moderate your use.


Advanced Spine and Pain is a leading pain management group based in Phoenix, AZ, and quickly expanding throughout the state. Offering minimally-invasive pain care services, the ASAP group consists of Arizona's top pain management specialists, including Drs. Abram Burgher, Todd Turley, and Jarrett Leathem.

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