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Dark storm clouds

Barometric pressure is the measurement of air pressure in the atmosphere. Here is a little tidbit of information to impress your friends and family: at sea level, the barometric pressure usually averages about 14.7 pounds per square inch (psi).


A sudden change in this atmospheric pressure can cause a storm to appear out of thin air, but unfortunately can also have an impact on the human body, probably more so than snow, cold, or rain. Studies have shown that changes in barometric pressure can induce headaches and migraines, adversely affect blood pressure, and can increase knee pain.

Back pain can increase as well secondary to barometric pressure changes causing already inflamed and irritated joints to swell and underlying pain conditions to persist. Inflammation and contraction of tendons, muscles, and bones can impact arthritis too.

So short of being able to change the weather, what can we do to minimize the impact of barometric changes on the body? The simplest answer is to keep moving. Inactivity can cause joints to stiffen and muscles to weaken. Activity can improve circulation and help minimize pain. During winter months stay warm. Dress in layers and wear warm clothes to protect painful joints and the spine. When it comes to barometric pressure, you got this. You can handle the pressure!




Advanced Spine and Pain is a leading pain management group based in Phoenix, AZ, and quickly expanding throughout the state. Offering minimally-invasive pain care services, the ASAP group consists of Arizona's top pain management specialists, including Drs. Abram Burgher, Todd Turley, and Jarrett Leathem.

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