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Door-To-Door Service With a Smile

Let’s face it, the recent pandemic has not resulted in smoother sailing at our local pharmacies.


Many pharmacies are busier than ever, and some are having to get by with decreased staff because of viral infections, decreased budgets, and other reasons making the trip to the pharmacy one that does not make the weekly highlights of most patients. What is even more frustrating is the fact that many patients are on multiple drug regimens requiring multiple visits to the pharmacy each month.

Patients have reported indiscreet conversations with the pharmacist about their hemorrhoid cream for example, in front of other customers that you now hope not to make eye contact. Sometimes medications are not ready when you arrive at the pharmacy. Sometimes there are extended wait times, while medications are hurriedly prepared for you.

Pharmacies for the most part do a great job in not ideal circumstances. At Advanced Spine and Pain, we are always looking for ways to improve our patient’s overall satisfaction. To this end, we now work with a local pharmacy who for the most part can ship your medications right to your doorstep with no additional charge. In fact, depending on the insurance many of our patients now pay less to have their medications delivered than they did picking them up at their local big-name pharmacy.

If that were not enough of a draw, the pharmacy also works closely to document all other medications that you are taking to avoid interaction between medications that may be prescribed by different doctors. Please talk to your ASAP provider and discuss a trial run with their new partnered pharmacy with concierge door-to-door service with a smile.




Advanced Spine and Pain is a leading pain management group based in Phoenix, AZ, and quickly expanding throughout the state. Offering minimally-invasive pain care services, the ASAP group consists of Arizona's top pain management specialists, including Drs. Abram Burgher, Todd Turley, and Jarrett Leathem.

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