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Hyperalgesia – “You watch your mouth!”

Hyperalgesia may sound like something that is uttered after you accidentally smash your thumb with a hammer, but it's a real condition causing increased sensitivity to pain.

This may occur because pain receptors have been damaged due to trauma resulting in an increased sensitivity to stimulus. It may, however, also occur in individuals who are taking opioids or pain medication.

In this scenario, the hyperalgesia is termed "opioid-induced hyperalgesia." With opioid use in general increasing across the country, this is something that ASAP takes very seriously. When hyperalgesia occurs, things that typically would not induce pain, such as a light touch to the arm, may be perceived as painful. While something that would typically induce pain, such as a punch in the arm, may be perceived as excruciatingly painful in the extreme and may even spread to other parts of the body.

If pain is worsening and you are on opioids, it will become imperative for you and your provider to determine if you are dealing with tolerance or hyperalgesia. If it is a simple issue of pain tolerance and medication has become less effective over time, a slight adjustment will generally improve pain symptoms. In a patient with opioid-induced hyperalgesia, an increase in dosing may result in increased pain.

If your chronic pain condition has led to opioid-induced hyperalgesia, watch your mouth, there is no need to curse. Treatment options are available and include slowly tapering down on pain medication, rotating to a completely different class of medication, and others. We’re here to help. Open your mouth and talk to us.




Advanced Spine and Pain is a leading pain management group based in Phoenix, AZ, and quickly expanding throughout the state. Offering minimally-invasive pain care services, the ASAP group consists of Arizona's top pain management specialists, including Drs. Abram Burgher, Todd Turley, and Jarrett Leathem.

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