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Golfer in Sedona, Arizona

Golfer's Elbow Isn't Just for Golfers

Just as tennis elbow is not limited to affecting only tennis players, golfer’s elbow is not exclusive to golfers.


Golfer's elbow, medically known as medial epicondylitis, is a condition that causes pain and tenderness on the inside of the elbow. It occurs when the tendons that attach the forearm muscles to the elbow become inflamed or damaged due to repetitive motion or sudden trauma. Although it is commonly associated with golfers due to the repeated swinging motion, it can affect people who engage in other activities that require similar movements, such as tennis, baseball, weightlifting, typing, gardening, and carpentry.

Symptoms of golfer's elbow include pain, stiffness, weakness, and numbness or tingling in the fingers. The pain may worsen with certain movements, such as gripping or lifting objects. To diagnose the condition, a doctor will conduct a physical exam and may recommend imaging tests.

Treatment options for golfer's elbow depend on the severity of the condition. Mild cases may be managed with rest, ice, over-the-counter pain medications, physical therapy, and exercises to strengthen and stretch the forearm muscles. More severe cases may require a corticosteroid injection or surgery.

Prevention is important to avoid golfer's elbow. Taking breaks to rest muscles and joints, using proper technique and equipment, and engaging in exercises that strengthen and stretch forearm muscles can help prevent this condition.

In conclusion, golfer's elbow is a painful condition that can affect anyone, not just golfers. If you're experiencing symptoms of golfer's elbow, seek medical attention to receive a proper diagnosis and treatment plan. By taking steps to prevent golfer's elbow, you can protect yourself from this condition and stay pain-free.


Advanced Spine and Pain is a leading pain management group based in Phoenix, AZ, and quickly expanding throughout the state. Offering minimally-invasive pain care services, the ASAP group consists of Arizona's top pain management specialists, including Drs. Abram Burgher, Todd Turley, and Jarrett Leathem.

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